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Project: PetWatch

Client: Greencross Vets & Petbarn

Every year, thousands of Australian pets suffer from paralysis ticks, heartworm and other deadly parasites. Invisible dangers that lurk in our backyards, waterways, parks and beyond. By seeing this threat, we can better prevent it. PetWatch is an innovative utility that uncovers and tracks parasite threats across the nation – by cross-referencing live weather patterns, satellite data and records from over 170 Greencross vet and hospital locations. Now pet owners across Australia can search their suburb, discover their threat level, learn about the parasites around them, and find tailored preventative treatment for their pets before it’s too late.   PetWatch was launched across 200 Petbarn stores, 130 vet practices, and to the public through an integrated PR campaign that continues to receive national coverage as the tool releases more findings.

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